M5 (5.8GHz)
<img style="border-radius:4px;" data-cke-saved-src="/assets/imported/site/sites/default/files/images/high-isolation-dish-for-ubiquiti-metro-city-area.jpg" src="/assets/imported/site/sites/default/files/images/high-isolation-dish-for-ubiquiti-metro-city-area.jpg" alt="high isolation dish for ubiquiti m5 city metro urban areas" title=" style=" border-radius:4px;"="" class="image image-img_assist_custom-870x315 ">
Antennas Suitable for M5 (5GHz) Equipment
M5 equipment is by leaps and bounds the most popular Ubiquiti equipment on the market. 5.8GHz is typically only used by wireless bridging, some cordless phones, and dual-band WiFi access points. Fortunately due to the availability of 22 non-overlapping channels traffic is distributed across a much larger bandwidth permitting a much lower noisefloor.
PtP bridging is most commonly deployed on the upper 5725-5850MHz band due to the ability to operate up to 4W EIRP, the downside of being able to operate at the higher transmit power is that in most metro/urban areas suffer crippling congestion on this band, pushing the noisefloor incredibly high.
As a result the key to achieving an effective and reliable wireless bridge is to ensure the highest gain antennas possible are used. By supressing sidelobe gain and reducing mainlobe aperture the interference surface can be minimised extensively, isolating your transmission from most others.
One of the consequences of the unregulated ‘public park’ approach to the 5.8GHz band has resulted in many companies deploying low gain antennas and transmitting at full power to save on hardware costs. The repercussion is that many networks are now paying the price having to revisit hundreds of sites to replace antennas with higher gain models, or retrofit with RF-Armor in an effort to reduce interference.
To combat the worsening levels of interference, Telco have introduced a new line of high isolation XFIRE dishes which boast some of the highest F/B, XPD, and sidelobe suppression figures in the world. The deep dish and integrated radome design allow incredible F/B figures of up to -52dB for our 0.9m dish. All XFIRE dishes conform to ETSI Class 2 Range 1 requirements for RPE and XPD. XFIRE dishes are fully compatible with Rocket M5, and Rocket-AC M5 radios.